Recognizing the social, political, legal, and ethical implications of assessment, students enrolled in this course critically examine various conceptual frameworks and apply bio-psychosocial and strengths perspectives to understand its multidimensional aspects.

SWK-S 505Social Policy Analysis and Practice (3 cr.) Model Syllabus (pdf).In addition, the course examines the variability of the common and uncommon attributes of service delivery systems. Such knowledge and skills include the application of social policy analysis, the legislative process, the role and impact of politics and political choice on the quality of life of people, and the effect of economic-social policy decision and judicial actions on social services. This course is developed around the general proposition that social workers utilize knowledge and skills to carry out roles and functions critical for practice. Effects of these on people are considered from global, political, economic and social policy perspectives. Included are legislative and political processes, models of policy analysis, service delivery and policy implementation. This course examines the processes that influence the development of social policy and social services. Institute for Juvenile Court and Corrections Research.National Child Welfare Workforce Initiative.Indiana Child Welfare Education and Training Partnership.Social Work Electronic Education Testing Services.Indiana University Social Work Office of Education Assessment.School-Wide Assessments of Student Outcomes.Required 15 credit hours of social work electives.Special Practice Areas in Social Work provide students an opportunity to explore and develop expertise with practice issues that intersect with populations and agencies.

Their work requires multi-dimensional, contextually sensitive, evidence-informed applications which are performed through a variety of social work roles. Social Workers gain employment in a wide range of practice fields and work with diverse client systems. Students take courses in their selected focus area in conjunction with 600 level Concentration courses.

Students will learn more breadth and depth in their knowledge base, including theories that underlie various types of social work practice. The purpose of the Clinical and Community Practice Concentration curriculum is to prepare students to work across the micro-to-macro continuum of social work services.

Social work is a dynamic profession concerned with the changing needs of people and society. Michael and Muriel Wallace International Scholarship Fund.Marion Wagner Feminist Organizing Scholarship.Certificate in Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counseling.